Allergies in animals: Atopic dermatitis
Allergies in animals: Atopic dermatitis

Allergies in animals: Atopic dermatitis, Diseases of dogs and cat

Inflammation of the skin of the body, the interdigital spaces , around the eyes , inflammation of the ear , the presence of itching - symptoms that are often combined into a single diagnosis - an allergy . But not everyone dermatitis, having the same symptoms can be attributed to allergies. To avoid incorrect diagnosis is necessary for mandatory dermatological study , which excludes the presence on the surface of the affected skin mites ( sarcoptic mange , demodicosis , heyletelioz , etc.), or opportunistic pathogenic bacteria (usually a staph infection, but not always) , and pathogenic and opportunistic mushrooms ( fungi of the genus Malassezii often , but not always).
In animals , the following types of allergies : allergy to flea bites , food allergy , contact dermatitis (allergy) , atopic dermatitis . The first three types of allergies are relatively easy to define and easy to control the therapy and diet. With the latter the same type have to fight for a long time , sometimes for life , as Atopic dermatitis can be controlled only by the constant use of drugs. Sometimes the body dogs or cats may be sensitive as feed components and on the skin contacting ekzoallergeny .
Atopic dermatitis - zudnevoe inflammatory disease with characteristic clinical signs of dermatitis , which causes a genetic tendency to develop IgE- mediated allergic reaction to the substance of the environment ( ekzoallergeny ) .
By ekzoallergenam include:
The pollen of grass and trees .
Household ( house dust, house dust mites ) .
Moldy spores of fungi.
Epidermal ekzoallergeny (epidermis of animal, human , animal dander ) .
The causes of atopic dermatitis - genetic predisposition , environmental factors and secondary microflora , therefore , as a rule , atopic dermatitis is incurable.
There are also not accepted in dermatological circles infectious theory of occurrence of atopic dermatitis. The infectious theory is that the presence of the body and the effects on the body of certain bacteria , viruses, is inflammatory and allergic reaction . By the microorganisms that cause such reactions include pathogens Chlamydia , Mycoplasma , brucellosis , etc. When the body of these organisms allows to recover from atopic dermatitis.
Often many inflammatory and allergic reactions on the skin and not only occur after vaccine administration . In medicine, a phenomenon referred to as post-vaccination syndrome . The main rule is to prevent the possible development of post-vaccination syndrome says: " Before the introduction of the vaccine animal should be completely healthy ! " Ignoring this rule is the same as from the owners of the animals , and on the part of physicians may cause the animal to life and lifelong disease treatment.
The characteristic clinical signs of atopic dermatitis in dogs include: itching, and redness of the skin around the eyes , lips , ears ( otitis ) , between the fingers , neck, armpit area , abdomen, perianal area , and frequently recurring infections of the skin .
The characteristic features of atopic dermatitis in cats include:
itching and redness of the muzzle, neck , extremities, but usually not the paws, abdomen, symmetrical hair loss without signs of inflammation.
In the treatment of atopic dermatitis use the funds for infection control , weighing down the skin (shampoos, systemic antibiotics ) , the means to control the itch ( antihistamines , hormonal, immunosuppressive drugs) , as well as specific immunotherapy . An alternative treatment of atopic dermatitis is the use of homeopathic therapy.
Only competent veterinary medical approach to the diagnosis of allergies and differentiation of many " similar " for clinical signs of skin disease may provide animal relief from clinical signs of disease control and possible cure.

Allergies in animals:Atopic dermatitis,  Diseases of dogs and ca