Diabetes in dogs and cats, symptoms, diet, treatment
Diabetes in dogs and cats, symptoms, diet, treatment
Diabetes in dogs and cats, symptoms, diet, treatment
The dog was a lot of drinking and urinating it now so common that even at home began to make puddle. (Diabetes, diabetes insipidus.) These symptoms are typical mochepuskannya sugar or diabetes, which is caused by lack of insulin in the body. The occurrence of diabetes are important genetic predisposition, obesity and age. In addition, diabetes can result from mental and physical trauma, diseases of the pancreas, infectious and parasitic diseases. insulin - the hormone of the pancreas - reduces blood sugar levels, delaying the breakdown of glycogen - polysaccharide formed by residues of glucose and thereby increases the use of glucose cells.
Insulin deficiency, Diabetes in dogs and cats |
Insulin deficiency is an excessive production of glucose from the cells. It is not digested, and content in the blood rises.Increases and providing it with urine. Elevated levels of glucose, or as they say here, sugar in the blood leads to a shift of acid-base balance in the body in the direction of increasing the number of anions (negatively charged ions) acids. As a result, developing intoxication, or otherwise - toxemia, from the Greek "toksikon" - "poison." This, in turn, leads to disruption of water and mineral metabolism. increase blood sugar and distinguish it from urine causes dehydration, weight loss sick animals. Also eliminated from the body potassium, sodium, worsening the patient's condition. In animals decreases as the formation of antibodies - complex proteins that inhibit reproduction of microorganisms or neutralize the emissions of toxic substances. And it lowers the body's resistance to infectious diseases. diabetes mellitus suffer a variety of animals, including monkeys. Javanese macaques, who was fourteen years old, as well as eight svinohvostyy macaques, ill with diabetes began to experience increased thirst and general weakness. Weight monkeys steadily declining, they do not sleep, they appeared irritability.
Insulin deficiency, diabetes II , Diabetes in dogs and cats |
Additionally, the Javanese macaque in both eyes appeared cataracts - a clouding of the lens, which often occurs in other animals and in people with diabetes. Among dogs disease usually occurs in those who are more than seven years. Females suffer more males four times, half females onset coincides with the end of estrus. diabetes tend to toy poodles, dachshunds, terriers zhorstkosherstni, slightly less - Scotch Terrier, Spitz, Irish terriers. Patients dog depleted, although one of the first symptoms except polydipsia - heavy thirst is gluttony, hyperphagia. observed in dogs excessive urination - polyuria, urine is almost colorless. gradually develops dehydration, the skin becomes dry. Appears itching, often observed boils, eczema. There cataracts. Symptoms of diabetes in cats and hamsters, like many people, diabetes - a disease of inheritance. The fact that birds can be diabetes, wrote at the beginning of the century, in 1914, the Russian veterinarian LM Makarevskyy: "Can there be a bird disease mochepuskannya, or simple sugar, it is hard to say ... but sometimes the birds begin to devote a lot of urine. Such a state of polyuria I watched a parrot ... But first diabetes was registered in 1971 in the wild pigeon living in captivity in Germany. Five years were reported detection of diabetes in four budgerigars in the United States. A in 1984 in one of the clinics brought budgerigar, the male, who was three years old. Bird was a lot of drinking, and it was "diarrhea." Doctor, which showed her to strip poultry of "diarrhea" appointed antibiotics. however, after six weeks of treatment, "diarrhea" is not stopped. parrots, nevertheless felt well, was lively. However, a week before he was brought to the hospital, was grim.
Diabetes in dogs |
Diabetes insipidus sick cats and dogs. Symptoms: increased urination and increased thirst. The disease develops gradually. Urine increases and more frequent depending on the water you drink. Dogs midsize may allocate a day to three to four liters of urine instead of one-half, and large dogs - to eight to ten liters. Urine clear with low specific weight, but sugar in it. appear all the signs of dehydration, such as: dry mucous membranes, skin, palpitations, thirst. Amount of water consumed animals is increasing dramatically. appetite in patients usually reduced. Developed weakness. Animals strongly lose weight, they observed constipation. needed help. When diabetes insipidus from a diet sick animals must be excluded salt and to minimize protein foods. As far as possible, limit drinking water.
Insulin deficiency, diabetes II , Diabetes in dogs and cats |
Reduce thirst can, giving the animal water with lemon juice or vinegar pidkyslyayuchy it. diabetes mellitus sick animals give cooked meat, fish, broth, oatmeal, mineral water. Appeal to the doctor necessarily because the symptoms of psychogenic polydipsia, Diabetes insipidus and diabetes in monkeys, dogs and birds alike. Inappropriate come as some owners of animals, particularly dogs. Finding that a dog drinks a lot and urinates often they agree with laboratory technicians and pass urine for analysis at regular clinic.
Insulin path., Insulin deficiency, Diabetes in dogs and cats |
And if it turns out that the urine is sugar, begin to treat dogs on your own, the most prescribed drugs, doses, slightly smaller than take their familiar, diabetes, and without any further control the level of sugar in the urine and, moreover, in the blood. diabetes - a serious chronic disease: affects almost the entire body. However, with a slight increase in blood sugar treatment is limited to dieting.dogs and cats suffering from diabetes, as without treatment and at arbitrary treatment live a little. Treat diabetes can and herbs.
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