Diseases of the joints of animals and Inflammation
Joint disease is a very common surgical pathology. They are often intractable. Many of them, such as stretching, dislocation of joints, hemarthrosis, wounds of joints, synovitis, osteoarthritis, dysplasia joints only require surgery and special treatment.

Inflammation of the joints (arthritis) caused by ingestion in the joint space of pathogenic organisms.

Signs of the disease. Morbid state of theanimal, increased general and local fever, swelling and tenderness of the joint, lameness may be festering fistula.

Treatment. Mainly surgical. Joint cavity during its opening samovskrytii or washed etakridina lactate, Furacillin, antibiotics. Apply suction dressings protivosepticheskie therapy (antibiotics, sulfonamides) and a diuretic.
Diseases of the joints of animals and Inflammation of the joints disease

Deforming joint inflammation characterized by destruction (restructuring) of bone components, joints and the presence of bony growths on the articular surfaces (osteophytes and exostoses).

Causes. Acute inflammation, trauma, arthritis, prolonged functional overload. More often suffer knee and hip joints.

Treatment. Connected with the removal of overload joint. First, at the first sign of the disease is prescribed prezotsil (1 tablet 3 times a day for 10 days) on the joint impose paraffin or mineral wax, peat, used lamp Minin, alternating with a light massage. A sound Circular novocaine blockade tissue therapy on the joint surface causing a warming compress a 50% solution dimeksida of 0.5 - 1% solution of novocaine.

Osteoarthritis - joint disease is an inflammatory and degenerative and destructive nature, which is associated with irreversible changes in the structure of the articular surfaces of bones articulate.
Diseases of the joints of animals and Inflammation of the joints disease
The disease develops slowly, gradually developing lameness, formed bony growths on the articular surfaces, X-ray joint space narrowing.