Diseases of the teeth of animals, Diseases of teeth in pets frequent, Treatment Diseases of the teeth of animals
Diseases of the teeth of animals, Diseases of teeth in pets frequent, Treatment Diseases of the teeth of animals

Diseases of teeth in pets frequent

Some disease (fracture and dislocation of the mandible anomalies dental bite) is the prerogative of a veterinary technician.
Diseases of the teeth of animals


Diseases of the teeth of animals
In the treatment of diseases such as tartar, pulpitis, periodontitis and tooth decay, except veterinary specialist can participate to some extent and the pet owner.Plaque removes doctor. Subsequently mouth periodically 2 - 3 times a day for 4-5 days, washed with a solution of antiseptic and astringent agents (potassium permanganate (1: 1000). Zone, previously covered tartar for 3 - 4 days once lubricate lactic acid with subsequent processing 3 -5% solution of baking soda. You can use a toothbrush.


Diseases of the teeth of animals pulpitis
inflammation of the dental pulp, Dental pulp of the tooth root canal involves blood and lymphatic vessels andnerve plexus. It provides food tooth. Causes inflammation of the dental pulp can be baring (caries), fracture transition inflammation of adjacent tissues.
Signs of the disease are pain, no use in food rozzhovuvannya patient side, discoloration of the tooth and its painting. granulosa pulpit runs a chronic and leads to overgrowth of granulation tissue ("wild meat").


When treating animals give soft food, around the neck of the tooth causing iodine-glycerol. Apply kameton. Tooth, struck purulent, Granulomatous, and especially gangrenous pulpitis are removed.


gum-Periodontitis Diseases of the teeth of animals
inflammation of the tooth root shell, developed in the area of ​​connective membrane (periodontium), which connects the tooth with the jaw bone.
The reasons for periodontitis are hitting jaw cracked tooth, moving the inflammation of the gums. There have swelling of the gums around the tooth, pain, loosening of teeth. If the inflammation goes on bone tissue, the developing osteomyelitis with fistula formation.


When treating animals give soft food, mouth wash warm disinfecting solution (1:1000 potassium permanganate, 1:5000 furatsillin, 3% probability bromine acid, 3% sodium bicarbonate). Also used propolis strepsilis, Salvini, kamfomen, traneksamonovaya acid Faringosept broth and sage.
Dental Teeth Dog -Periodontitis Diseases of the teeth of animals

When periodontitis and pulpitis good remedy is calendula (marigold medical) as anti-inflammatory and germicide mouthwashes (10 g of flowers pour a glass of boiling water, then rinse using a teaspoon of tincture in a glass of warm water). Rinse in the morning and evening.For these purposes as marshmallow root, licorice root, leaves, coltsfoot, fennel fruit prescription and prescription.In diffuse suppurative periodontitis toothremoved.


tooth decay progressive putrid substance. Causes of tooth decay sufficiently clarified, attract fractured tooth tartar, innate predisposition tooth. It often develops after perebolevanie plague. Cavities are superficial, middle, deep and full.