heart, Study of the cardiovascular system of animals
heart, Study of the cardiovascular system of animals


In the study of the cardiovascular system, you must follow a specific sequence: first, examine the area of ​​the location of the heart by inspection and palpation, then make percussion and auscultation body after investigating pulse, if necessary, and use special techniques (electrocardiography, radiography, functional methods, etc. etc.). Establish also vibrate the chest: a burly and long-haired animals, they can not be detected.
heart, Study of the cardiovascular system of animals

Palpation of the heart in healthy animals observed slight fluctuations chest - heart beat. In the study of cardiac impulse set its weakening, disappearance, gain, offset, and other abnormalities. Compromised cardiac impulse at myocardiodystrophy, emphysema, pleural effusion, etc., reinforced in violation, fever, etc.
Auscultation of the heart to set the rate and rhythm of the heart rate, the nature of heart sounds and noises that occur in the heart, and their place of origin.
The pulse rate in animals varies widely. In young animals it is higher than in adults.
In adult animals pulse at I min is: cattle 50 - 80, a horse 24 - 42, in pigs 60 - 90, in sheep and goats 70 - 80, in the dog 70 - 120, the cat IN - 130 rabbit 120 - 200, 120-150 chicken.
heart, Study of the cardiovascular system of animals
Increased heart rate (tachycardia) was observed with an increase in body temperature, agitation, functional activity, poisoning, heart disease, pericarditis, etc. Slow heart rate (bradycardia) occurs much less frequently and is observed in tumor and brain edema, digitalis poisoning, etc.
Sounds that occur during the heart, called cardiac tones. In healthy animals are two of them: one tone longer - systolic, the second tone short, tall - diastolic. Sounding heart tones varies vicinity of the auscultation of the heart valves involved in the formation of the first or second pitch.
With characteristic tones set the degree of sonority, attenuation, amplification, splitting, splitting, etc.Heart sounds are called sound effects that resemble blew, hissing, rustling, etc. Installing heart sound, their differentiation is an important element in the diagnosis of heart disease.
The most common method for studying blood vessels is their examination and palpation. On examination, pay attention to the degree of filling, the absence or presence of fluctuations in the vascular wall. Palpation method of determining quantitative and qualitative indicators of arterial pulse.In cattle can explore pulse in the external face, shoulder, hip and tail arteries, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and cats - and region femoral artery.