Ophthalmology animals
Eye Wounds may be superficial and cross-cutting. First aid is to clean the wound from contamination, hair removal and treatment with 1% solution of green fodder. Around the wound for analgesia, enter a 1-2% solution of novocaine. Apply intramuscular antibiotics. Treatment of large-sized wounds operative.After suturing wear protective collar (special circle or plastic bucket).
Inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis) is accompanied by redness and thickening of the edges of the eyelids, eyelashes appearance at the base of scales and crusts and morning. Eyelashes fall out, the edges of the eyelids strongly thicken. This leads to constant tearing and twisting rumen. Treatment is aimed at removing the cause of blepharitis. Edges century degreased alcohol-ether (1: 1). In the conjunctival sac injected 1%-ing syntomytsynovuyu, 1 -2%-ing oletetrynovuyu, 10%-ing metiluratsilovuyu, 0.5%-ing hentamitsynovoyu emulsion. Good results give 10% probability calendula ointment and daily greasing 1% strength diamond greens. In blepharitis also used betnazol, hydrocortisone acetate, sofradeks intended veterinarian.
In blepharitis caused by Demodex mites, subcutaneously (depending on body weight) administered 0,2-1 ml ivomek.
structure of Eye

Volvulus, eversion of eyelids, eyeball dislocation, tumors century trihiazis, adenoma of the third century, Panoftalmit, abscess of the orbit, congenital fusion of age and some 
other surgical eye disease requiring surgical intervention.
Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva) - often the disease. Especially prone to it Dobermans and Great Danes. Causes: trauma, foreign body, infectious diseases (plague, piroplasmosis), chemical stimuli (acid, alkali, lime, potent drugs), vitamin deficiency, switching inflammation from adjacent conjunctival tissue.
Conjunctivitis is catarrhal (acute and chronic), follicular, purulent, flehmatoznyy, fibrinous.
In any case, you should determine the cause and if possible eliminate it. In the catarrhal form of treatment are mostly astringent drugs as drops (1-2% protargol-tion, 1 - 2% ing zinc sulfate, alum, resorcinol, etc. ). Useful drops hydrocortisone.
In purulent conjunctivitis requires intensive antibiotic therapy in shock doses, 30%-tion albutsid, sintomitsinovoy, penicillin and tetracycline ointment.
If the conjunctival sac pus accumulates, it washed furatsilinom (1: 5000), etakridina lactate (rivanola) at a dilution of 1:2000, 3% solution of boric acid.
In the treatment of conjunctivitis positive results when applying eye polymeric films with kanamycin, sulfapyrydazyn sodium. They are especially helpful in the treatment of follicular conjunctivitis. In this case, if necessary, make cauterization, which is repeated after 5 - 6 days. This procedure is performed veterinarian.
When conservative treatment of conjunctivitis are also used betnazol, dexamethasone, interferon, sodium cromoglycate, sofradeks, teralen and tinset.
Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) is associated with corneal clouding in inflammation. In some cases, the congenial process infiltrates resolve and transparency of the cornea is restored, the other - infetomaternal abscess formation, ulceration and perforation of the cornea occurs.
Until then filled corneal connective tissue with the formation of opaque spots - cataracts.
Keratitis are: superficial, catarrhal, purulent superficial, superficial vascular, deep and festering point.
In the treatment initially (in aseptic form) using drops or ointment hydrocortisone, antibiotics, sulfonamides.
When gathering manure conjunctival sac was washed boric acid or lactate etakridina, Furacillin, Furagin, penicillin.
For resorption turbidity in attenuation of acute inflammation using yellow mercury ointment, calomel and sugar, dionin in drops and ointments in increasing concentrations (from 0.5 to 5%), tissue therapy, novocaine blockade. Are effective ocular polymer films, acyclovir, betnezol, dexamethasone, Solcoseryl, sofradeks. All of these drugs, depending on the form of keratitis may be used only on prescription.
Corneal ulcer is formed by the superficial and deep corneal damage, the introduction of microflora and the development of infection with abscess formation and melting of tissues. Often develops creeping corneal ulcer.
A searing the edges of ulcers tool while in treatment, use 1% solution of atropine, 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol, eye medications film with atropine or sulfapyrydazyn sodium.
After the inflammatory process for the resolution of scarring used: 1%-ing mercury ointment, subconjunctival injections lidasa (20 - 30 U) tissue therapy (20 - 30 injections per course with vitreous or placenta) pirogenal in doses of 1, 5 mg per 1 kg of body weight intramuscularly at intervals of 48 hours (at the 5 - 7 injections). The application Iruksol, komplamin, propolis trohsarutina, etamzylatu.
Cataract (cataract) - persistent turbidity kryshtalykovyh environment or lens capsule.
The causes cataracts in animals can be genetic, traumatic, symptomatic, toxic, senile, diabetic.Localization distinguish capsular, cortical, nuclear, front and zadnepolyusnye, fusiform, layered and full of cataracts.
Signs of the disease - decreased vision, cataract (shade of gray-blue or light gray, milky-gray).To treat topically applied drops vitenedurola, katahroma, vitafakol, vice, lekozim, pirenoksin, taufon, vitamin drops 2 - 3 times a day for a long time. When traumatic cataract effective tissue preparations.
Surgical removal of cataracts in animals unreliable as a biologically professional difficulties with the selection of glasses to correct vision. However, appropriate and humane method of treatment is radical surgery - cut or removal (extraction) of cataract.
Night Blindness (chicken) - the disease is not known.

The main feature - the animal does not feel the surrounding objects and finds them, howling plaintively.As is commonly believed, in mild cases enhanced diet with a high content of vitamin A leads to recovery.Schematic drawing cut eye instruments for research eyes and bottom