nervous system
In the study of the nervous system must take into account character and habits of animals.Aggressiveness, expressed a desire to attack, bite, subjected horn, beat limbs bend under him, showing not only evil animals, and sick. With behavior disorders Depression, agitation, involuntary movement, etc.In the study of the skull and spine are paying attention to their integrity, areas with altered bone density 
In the study of skin determine its tactile and pain sensitivity. In pathological states emit increase, decrease or complete loss of skin sensitivity.
Observation of biomechanics movement gives an idea about the state of the musculoskeletal system, thenervous security.
In explaining reflexes in clinical veterinary practice using mechanical and thermal stimuli. All reflexes are divided into superficial and deep. By superficial reflexes reflexes include the skin and mucous membranes, skin to reflections - reflections withers, abdominal, and hoofed kremastera gap, to reflections mucous membranes - kornealny, chihatelnyy etc.

By the deep reflexes are reflexes tendons, muscles, periosteum (the most frequently used knee and ahylovi).
nervous cell
Weakening or strengthening skin reflexes associated with brain damage. Loss or weakening of reflexes characteristic flaccid paralysis.
Investigation of the endocrine glands. To assess the state of the puncture and endocrine 
systems  collect anamnesis, conduct inspection and palpation of animals tested blood and urine account for biogeochemical zone.On examination, pay attention to the condition of the mucous membranes. Their dry note in diabetes.