Treatment osteodystrofyy Cow
Treatment osteodystrofyy Cow

Treatment osteodystrofyy Cow, bone disease of cow

Osteodystrophy cows characterized as bone lesions, but also in the pathological process involving the whole body animal. This, DY Lutsk, Zharov A W. (1978) propose a treatment regimen, if you want to first consider the condition of the skeletal system, the nature of violations of the digestive system, cardiovascular system and the body's need for nutrients, and even pinpoint the main failure.
In addition, in the preparation of diets recommended to consider the ratio of sugar and protein, phosphorus and calcium as balanced nutrition is a health care factor, and even helps improve therapeutic drugs.
Further studies DY Luck (1978) showed that the therapeutic effect in osteodystrofyy cows achieved by introducing the diet feeding, with 75 mg of bone flour, 100 g of urea, 10 mg of cobalt chloride, 16.5 mg zinc sulphate, 38.8 sernokysloy mg copper, 27.5 mg of manganese sulfate and five mg of potassium iodide with subcutaneous injections tryvytamyna (A, D3, E).
Along with this, a significant positive effect on zavvazhenoyi pathology DD reached runners (1968), which introduced the diet or meal obesftorennыy calcium phosphate in 50 ml of cobalt chloride and 20 ml a day inside

Treatment osteodystrofyy Cow, bone disease of cow