

Bones together, asymmetrical forms the skeleton of the arm. Long bone diaphysis 1, 2 epiphyses.


It is structured:
  • upwards, inwards and backwards with the glenoid cavity of the scapula in his head.
  • bottom with the forearm by means of the distal humerus:
  • down and out with the humeral capitulum radius by.
  • downwards and inwards with the ulna by the humeral trochlea.


The spherical surface at the top and inside the edge projecting furthest.

General anatomical shape

  • Triangular bone cut to the middle 1/3 of its shaft, he describes three sides and three edges:
    • posterior, anterolateral, anteromedial face.
    • anterior, medial, lateral edge.
  • Head 30 mm radius representing third of a sphere.
  • Neck-shaft angle of 130 °.
  • Humeral lopsided 30 to 45 ° forward.
  • Retroversion angle of the humeral head 20 ° to the distal humerus.
  • Angle of the head relative to the horizontal: 45 °.

Palpable landmarks

  • greater tuberosity
  • lesser tubercle
  • lateral and medial epicondyle
  • furrow inter tuberosity.


  • Axillary nerve (C5-C6), radial (C6-C7-C8-Th1), ulnar (C8-Th1)
  • Axillary brachial artery and deep
  • Long head of biceps tendon and ligament Transverse humeral.


  • Fracture at the neck: axillary nerve injury (more shoulder abduction above 8 °)
  • Fracture in middle 1/3 of the diaphysis: radial nerve injury (hand gooseneck) and lesion of the brachial artery deep.
  • Fracture of the medial epicondyle: ulnar nerve injury (ulnar claw)
  • Synovial inflammation of the tendon of the long head of the biceps: tenosynovitis
  • Dislocation of the glenohumeral: control of the axillary nerve to perfor
